True Stability in Your Christian Walk


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

Jul. 21, 2024

The sermon begins at 35:40 min into the video. The music is licensed under CCLI copyright #2723035 and Streaming Media #22024223 licenses.

Embrace the Tripod of Faith: Your Blueprint for a Vibrant Christian Life

Pastor Ron Vining reveals a powerful truth: Your faith is not a solitary journey, but a dynamic dance with three essential partners. These are not optional add-ons, but the very pillars upon which a thriving Christian life is built:

  1. Scripture: Your Divine GPS: Imagine trying to navigate a new city without a map. That's life without the Bible. It's more than just stories – it's God's living, breathing instruction manual, offering wisdom, direction, and the unshakeable foundation for your beliefs.
  2. The Holy Spirit: Your Personal Empowerer: You're never alone. God's Spirit is your constant companion, a source of supernatural strength, comfort, and guidance. It's like having a built-in coach, equipping you with unique gifts and whispering divine insights.
  3. Fellowship with Saints: Your Faith Family: Faith is not meant to be lived in isolation. We need each other. When we connect with fellow believers, we create a vibrant community where we can share burdens, celebrate victories, and spur each other on toward spiritual growth.

Think of it like this: Your faith is an arrow aimed at God's heart. But without the three stabilizing fletchings – Scripture, the Holy Spirit, and fellowship – it's bound to veer off course.

Your Action Plan for a Transformed Life:

  • Dive into the Word: Make time for daily Bible reading and study. Let its truths seep into your soul and reshape your thinking.
  • Welcome the Spirit's Guidance: Invite the Holy Spirit to fill every corner of your life. Be open to its unexpected nudges and empowering presence.
  • Find Your Tribe: Get plugged into a small group at Faith or another community of Christians. Build genuine relationships with people who share your faith.

Your Christian journey is an adventure filled with purpose and joy. Don't leave these essential elements behind – they are the keys to unlocking a life overflowing with God's love and power.