The Mystery, Wisdom and Knowledge - Part 1


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

Oct. 06, 2024

The sermon begins at 25:49 min into the video. The music is licensed under CCLI copyright #2723035 and Streaming Media #22024223 licenses.


This week, Pastor Dave dives into Colossians 1:24-29 and 2:1-9, exploring how Christ lives in us, unites the church, and makes us complete.

 Key Truths:

  • Christ in you: This is the source of your hope and completeness.
  • United in Christ: The church brings together people from all walks of life.
  • Complete in Christ: You are fully accepted and loved, even as you grow.

 Living it Out:

  • Discover your purpose in God's plan.
  • Faithfully follow where God leads you.
  • Welcome everyone in the church.
  • Find hope in Christ's presence within.
  • Rest in the knowledge that you are complete in Him.

 The Call:

  • Experience Christ: Reflect on how His presence fills you with hope and makes you whole.
  • Embrace Community: Celebrate the diverse church family and find ways to connect and serve together.
  • Live with Confidence: Keep growing in your faith, knowing that you are already complete and secure in Christ's love.