Knowledge of God's Will


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

Sep. 08, 2024

The sermon begins at 18:48 min into the video. The music is licensed under CCLI copyright #2723035 and Streaming Media #22024223 licenses.

Unveiling the Mysteries of His Will

 Pastor Dave takes us deeper into the heart of Colossians (Ch1:9-11), illuminating the path to understanding God's will. Through Paul's powerful prayer for the Colossians, we discover the key to living a life that truly honors God: being filled with the knowledge of His will, walking in wisdom and spiritual understanding, and being empowered by His strength to persevere.

God's will isn't a distant enigma; it's a personal invitation to intimacy. It's both a universal blueprint for righteousness, revealed in His Word, and a unique path He has lovingly crafted for each of us.

But how do we discern His specific will for our lives? By fervent prayer, immersing ourselves in Scripture, seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance, and surrounding ourselves with wise, spiritually mature mentors. When we seek His will with a surrendered heart, He promises to reveal it, leading us to a place of peace and clarity.

Paul's prayer for the Colossians echoes across the ages, urging us to live lives that reflect God's glory. To walk worthy of Him, to please Him in every way, to be fruitful in every good work, and to continually grow in the knowledge of our Savior.

This journey isn't always easy. It demands strength, patience, and unwavering joy even in the face of trials. But remember, God's strength is perfected in our weakness. Lean on Him, and you will never falter.

 Answer the Call Today

 Seek His Will with Passion: Pray without ceasing. Delve into Scripture. Let wisdom and spiritual understanding illuminate your path.

  • Embrace Wise Counsel: Surround yourself with godly, spiritually mature mentors who can offer guidance and support.
  • Live a Life of Purpose: Walk worthy of the Lord, and let your actions reflect His love. Be a beacon of light, bearing fruit that lasts for eternity.
  • Apply Knowledge with Wisdom: Practical application of God's will as guided by the Holy Spirit is essential. Know and act on His will in daily decisions.
  • Never Stop Growing: Cultivate a hunger for the knowledge of God. Let your understanding of His will deepen with every step you take.
  • Find Strength in Him: In times of challenge, remember that God's power is limitless. Draw on His strength, and you will overcome.

 By embracing these principles, we align ourselves with God's will, walking in His wisdom and strength daily.