Connect Groups


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

Faith Community Connect Groups 


When:  Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.,

Where:  Faith Community Church

Facilitator:  Jan Clements

Study of Christ's return.  This group will only meet July 10th and Aug. 7th for the summer, returning to weekly in Sept.

Coffee and Connect with Pastor Dave

 When:  1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.

Where:  Open Gate Church at 3219 Sheridan Ave. in Cody.

ALSO:  2nd and 4th Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. at 1210 N. Gilbert in Powell.

Facilitator: Pastor Dave Seratt

This group will not meet in July and August.

Men's Bible Study

When:  Second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, 9:00 a.m.

Where:  1210 N. Gilbert in Powell, WY

Facilitator: Pastor Dave Seratt

Study in Philippians

When: First and third Sundays, 6:00 p.m. beginning April 7, 2024

Where:  608 22nds Street, Cody, Wy

Facilitator: JD and Elizabeth Poeverlein

Study and Understand Book by Book by Brian Gugas

When:  Mondays at 10:30 a.m.

Where: 165 Crossfire Trail

Facilitator: Christine Swingle and Carol Olson

1st, 2nd, 3rd John Study

When:  Tuesday beginning Oct. 8th, 2024 and ending Dec. 3rd, 2024.  No meeting on Nov. 26th.    

Time: 10:00 a.m. to noon

Where: 811 N. Gilbert, Powell, WY

Facilitator: Faith Chmielewski

Coffee and Conversation in Powell

When:  First and third Fridays at 3:00 p.m.

Where:  Rocky Mountain Manor in Powell

Facilitator:  Dave Seratt

Senior Bible Study

When:  Fridays at 10:45 a.m.

Where: Absaroka Assisted Living

Facilitator:  Pam Seratt

Ten Words to Live By

When: Mondays at 6:30 p.m.

Where: 1062 Vali Road, Powell, WY

Facilitator: Cecil and Donna Schiltz

What Happens Next:  Six session study in Revelation

When:  1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.

Where: 1208 Birch Lane, Cody, WY

Facilitator:  Neil Anderson

A Couples' Guide to Growing Your Marriage by Gary Chapman

When:  Mondays at 6:30 p.m. STARTING JAN. 6, 2025.

Where: Faith Community Church

Facilitator: Zach & Brenda Coombs

Radical Like Jesus Book Study

When: Sunday evenings 5:30-6:30 p.m. starting January 19th through February 23.  This study will take a break then and pick up for another six weeks in the fall of 2025.

Where:  456 N. Douglas St. in Powell

Facilitator: Ron Vining

Coffee and Conversation

When: 1st and 3rd Fridays at 3:00 p.m.

Where: Rocky Mountain Manor in Powell

Facilitator:  Dave Seratt