The Miracles of Jesus: The Beginning of Miracles


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

Apr. 14, 2024

Discover Jesus' miraculous power to transform your life

This sermon explores Jesus' first miracle, revealing His divine nature, compassion, and message. Learn how Jesus' act of turning water into wine points to a deeper truth: He offers us abundant grace, transformative power, and a meaningful relationship. The key takeaways are:

  • Jesus' miracles are signs of His identity and mission.
  • He meets our needs and reveals His overflowing grace.
  • A personal relationship with Jesus is more important than rituals.
  • We are called to be partners in Jesus' work.
  • Witnessing miracles strengthens our faith.

The sermon challenges you to:

  • Embrace Jesus' power to bring change and provision.
  • Deepen your relationship with Jesus.
  • Serve as an instrument of His grace.
  • Strengthen your faith through Jesus' teachings and miracles.