The Miracles of Jesus: Jesus Delivers the Demonized


Sunday - 8:30 AM, First Worship Service, 10:15 AM Second Worship Service

May 19, 2024

The Sermon begins at 31:06 min into the video.  The music is licensed under CCLI Copyright #2723035 and Streaming Media #22024223 Licenses.

Pastor Dave continues the Miracles of Jesus Series with another forceful sermon. In Mark 5, Jesus' miraculous deliverance of a demon-possessed man reveals a powerful truth: Jesus, the Messiah, conquers the forces of darkness and offers abundant life.

The demoniac's plight showcases the destructive nature of evil. Stripped of home, family, and peace, he represents the brokenness caused by sin. Society, though well-meaning, is powerless to help. Only Jesus can truly redeem and restore.

Jesus' compassionate intervention exposes three key forces:

  1. The Demonic: Destructive and manipulative, using temptation, lies, and oppression to steal, kill, and destroy.
  2. Society: Often powerless against spiritual forces, highlighting our need for divine intervention.
  3. Jesus: The ultimate victor, offering freedom, restoration, and abundant life to those who trust in Him.

 The Call:

Are you struggling with destructive patterns, lies, or oppression? Jesus invites you to:

  • Resist: Stand firm against evil and refuse to give it a foothold in your life.
  • Speak Truth: Declare God's Word over yourself and your circumstances.
  • Pray: Call out to Jesus for deliverance and restoration. He is the ultimate victor, ready to set you free!

Don't settle for a life of brokenness and despair. Experience the freedom, wholeness, and abundant life that only Jesus can offer.